Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Front suspension, sway bar, splash guards....and something completely different :-)

Evening Ya'll,

Another short day and maybe the last of the week.  I installed some of the splash guards on the drivers side but can't install the rest of them until the bushings are tightened up and they can't be tightened until the weight is back on the front end.  Tightening them without weight on them would lead to early failure of the bushing.
The driver side with some of the slash guards installed, below there is a before and after picture.

The sway bar, not yet cleaned. 

Took a break and went for a bike ride, I thought it was kinda pretty.

Sway bar link, wonder how this one got bent?

Used my press to straighten

Better, did a little bit more after this picture but it looks pretty good.

Passenger side, caliper off and tie rod end removed, a lot of cleaning to do-Yech!

Looks like a different car doesn't it?

"That's All Folks"


4 hrs


  1. Yes, it does look like a vastly different car. You've done a lot of cleanup and it shows. I like that paint you are using on the suspension.

    1. Thanks Drew, as you well know cleaning this stuff is a dirty, nasty job but the end results makes it worthwhile IMHO.
      Appreciate your comment.

    2. Know you are busy. Let me know what paint you are using when you are back. It looks great.

  2. Oh, and good job putting that bent sway bar link straight. I've never seen one bent like that.
