Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Reassembling the IRS, passenger side


Have been working on the IRS and have the passenger half is assembled and now I'll get on with the drivers side.  The pictures will outline the process.
Here I'm checking and adjusting the preload on the fulcrum arm/hub carrier bearings. This set of tapered roller bearings are supposed to have 1-2/1000ths" preload as opposed to the endplay the hub is supposed to have.

Setting up the wishbone with the hub carrier

I had the IRS cage on the bench so had to get it down where I could work on it

Getting it set up to install the components

All assembled, will need to tighten some of the fasteners once the car has weight on it.

Now I need to get busy assembling the other half.


Friday, April 5, 2019

IRS continued

Spent a little time this week on Jennifer's car working on the hub and hub carrier.

This has always puzzled me, why did they put a vent hole directly across from the grease zerk?  What happens is that the grease comes squirting out the top (where the screw is) and not out into the roller bearings where it should.  Jennifer's car had mountains of grease on top of this hole, I've decided to plug them with a small screw in the hopes of being able to better lube the bearings in the future.

here we have the two hub carriers, the one on the right is the recent E bay purchase and the one on the left is the OEM one that came on the car.  I've posted the question on JL as to weather or not I should use the 'new' one.  Sure looks flimsy compared to the 'original'.

Very similar in this view.

Installing the bearing races for the fulcrum arm, worked really well using a bolt with washers, brought the race in evenly without 'trauma'.

Checking the hub bearing end play, should be 1-3/1000" and this one measured a hair more than 1/1000.
