Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Bug vs Windscreen....

Evening folks,

With the new Stainless Steel heater pipes in, it was time to start reinstalling stuff on the fire wall and put the dash back together.    With that in mind I installed the dash top, hooked up the defroster vents and electrical connections then satisfied with all that closed up the dash with the under-dash pieces.
Then I reinstalled the heater box, the heater valve and their supply hoses and cables that actuate the valves and air flow ducts.  Imagine my horror when I hooked up the air flow cable to the heater box and it would only move the valve one way!  OK, I thought, when Jennifer wants the heater to work she'll just have to stop and open the bonnet and trip the lever.  Well, that didn't seem like a particularly good approach so it looked like I was going to have to undo ALL the work that I had accomplished this morning.  Well I couldn't see any alternative and started taking the under-dash pieces off on the drivers side.  After removing the pieces I thought I could see the clamp that was suppose to be holding the cable housings.  Well a half hour later and scars on my hands and psyche I was able to get the cable housings locked into their 'clips' and the heater door became operational! YEAH! 

Before the heater box

Interior, dash top installed.  Hopefully for the last time!

Newly refinished steering wheel and dash top

Cleaned and painted heater box

Cable housing that was unattached inside the dash requiring some disassembly but fortunately not complete disassembly of the mornings work!

"That's All Folks"


7 hours


  1. This car is looking more beautiful every day. I'm very envious of the great condition of the dash, gauges and now steering wheel. Your cleaning and refurbishing really shows.

    1. Thanks Drew, I was sure frustrated when that dang cable housing came loose. Was sure I would have to remove the dash again....
