Good evening,
Today I decided to start with a few little things and build up too a bigger and more challenging task, the boot lid springs. Starting with the bonnet bumpers and latches I decided to adjust the bonnet. It was slightly misaligned so while I was replacing the little bumpers I thought I might try to adjust it a little bit better. It took a little while but I think it helped quite a lot. Then I decided to put the new brake and clutch pedal pads on, I think that's a little better too.
Then on to the big job for the day, removing the boot lid (trunk in American), and taking off the hinges on either side. Several of the springs were broken and the lid hung at half mast all the time so I charged forth, I had forgotten what a miserable little chore this was! Reviewing my notes from previous times made it sound quite simple, Oh well, the old saying about fools going where angels fear to thread seemed to apply today but once committed no turning back;-)
I think this looks a little nicer and is probably a bit safer, less likely for ones foot to slip off the pedal |
Disassembling the interior of the boot to get to the nuts and bolts holding the hinges in place. I scribed around the mounts to aid in relocating the boot lid when done. |
A little discovery, their has been a little body work done back by the drivers side tail light and you can see where they drilled holes in the skin to pull the section out and then filled with filler (little brown 'worms' hanging down behind the filler hose). |
The drivers side hinge with several broken springs. |
New springs getting 'threaded' onto the awl, next will pull it over the end and repeat 4 more times wearing gloves as they are quite sharp. |
Getting ready to transfer them to the hinge where they will be fastened on the the hinge. |
After much gnashing of teeth they are wrapped around the pin on the hinge. |
Hinge back in place then on to the other side, with Jan's help to stabilize the boot lid I was able to get it back in position and bolted on. I works much better.
I will start on the seats soon but had to clear out some work space late this afternoon. I had been waiting for some parts for my V12 to finish a project on it, I had rebuilt the carbs last month in preparation for the driving season so I needed to get that stuff out of the way before I start disassembling the seats.
Thats's all for now, hopefully I'll get some time in on the seats tomorrow, stay tuned.
Cheers, Lynn
7 hours |
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