Saturday, March 30, 2019

Carrier hub issues

I was disappointed to find evidence of previous abuse and sadly damage to the hub carrier.  It looks like someone has worked on this part before me, I can't imagine that the factory would have done this, but I suppose it could have been the last job on a friday just before quitting time? At any rate it looks like someone used a BFH to get the hub carrier to fit inside the lower control arm and dented/cracked the edge of the ring on the hub carrier. 
The marks on the 'web' are from a Big F___ing Hammer, the cracks can be seen at the 6, 6:30 and 7 O'clock positions of the rim

From the inside 
I initially thought that this was relatively minor but decided to post it on Jag Lovers and see what the collective wisdom of the group was.  It was pretty much unanimous that the hub carrier should be replaced:
So one of my friends in Austin-Erica found one on ebay and after they told me that I could return it if it didn't meet my expectations I went ahead and ordered it.  Should be here by next Friday

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's no fun to find cracking like this on such an important part. :-(
