Monday, May 6, 2019

IRS, one step at a time

I've been able to get little bit done on the IRS here and there over the past two months but it has been a very busy time around our place, fortunately Jennifer has been very patient with me.  Assuming nothing else comes up I should have Jennifer's car back on it's wheels this month.

Can't recall what I thought was important in this picture but suspect it was part of fitting the fulcrum shaft to the hub and setting the preload on the fulcrum shaft bearings.

New rotors, think I've posted this picture before?

Installing the passenger side fulcrum shaft and the radius arm.  One has to install the radius arm before the hub is assembled as the hub blocks access to bolt that fastens the radius arm.

This was particularly tedious, setting the free play on the hub bearings, there is a speciality tool that would help with this but I had to improvise by making a variety of different shims out of brass shim stock.  I finally got them within the recommended specs of 2-6/1000.
Actually this picture is showing an unacceptable way of measuring the free play, can you spot the problem? *Answer below

One side done, the other coming along.

Free play set and installing the 'tie' plate on the bottom of the IRS

Rolled over and set on the jack, need to do a few little things, fill the differential with gear oil, attach the hand break mechanism then it's ready to bring in under the car!

Doesn't look like much but these are some of the old parts (not the jack;-) Old bearings, seals and so forth.

Well, that's it for today, hope all is well in your world and your project go smoothly!

*Measuring the way shown in the picture will give an inaccurate reading because it will pick up the free play in the universal joint too.  What works better is to mount the dial indicator on the hub and measure against a spot that you've marked on the hub, this will give one more consistent results 

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